Helpful Search Links
Here are some links to help you find parts or search for equipment. We do not necessarily endorse the companies in the links provided, we may or may not have done business with them in the past but have had contact with them. (We don’t post just anyone’s site) These links are provided for your convenience to make your search less time consuming. Check back often as new links will be added.
Sales / Imports / Exports / Containerizing:
Specializing in sourcing quality pre-owned equipment for both retail and wholesale clients at the best possible prices.
ALL CITY EQUIPMENT INC Located near Chicago Illinois, they can containerize anything and put it on rail to any port in the USA. Also store and sell some equipment on their yard.
Equipment Search:
Great search engine for used equipment
Resale Weekly; Primary publication in the UK
Ironmartonline Based in North Eastern USA
Forestry/Construction Equipment, Trucks/Trailers and more.
For your web site and video needs:
Contact Duane at DW Video & Multimedia, he would be happy to help you locally in Michigan or via Skype or other means around the globe. Duane and his team provide professional quality video productions, web sites and more.